> this might work for you (but won't in ie.  not sure how important that
> one is to you)

unfortunatly, I need IE too :(
BTW, I do not think this solution would allow the image in the 1st cell
to span over the other cells. that's why I was looking for a
bagground-image attached to the tr node.

> tr.close {
>  background: #dadada;
>  background-image: url(./images/icon_close.gif);
>  background-repeat: no-repeat;
> }
> tr.open {
>  background: #f0f0f0;
>  background-image: url(./images/icon_open.gif);
>  background-repeat: no-repeat;
> }
> (this is your same exact code as above)
> tr.close td + td, tr.open td + td {
> background: transparent none;
> }
> (this will make all <td> that follow a <td> have no bg, which means
> only the first should show a background)
> hopefully someone else knows a way to get ie to work as well. 
>  good luck.

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