I have a layout with a header, some content and footer. Pretty straightforward
expect that I want the footer in a "fixed" position at the bottom, and want the
content area to fill up the space between. There wont (or at least shouldn't) be
any content that will scroll, but I'm fine with a overflow: auto, on divs within
the content area that may need to scroll. I've seen other posts about issues
that at least seem similar to mine, but there where either no replies or I was
unable to adapt their solutions to my particular problem.

Here's an example of what I want that works perfectly in Firefox.


However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get anything like that
working in IE. #column {position: absolute; top: 60px; bottom: 60px} just
doesn't work in IE since it seems to ignore bottom: when top: is present.
(likewise it seems to ignore right: when left: is present)

I've tried height: 100% in IE but it just pushes the box off the bottom of the
page. (apparently by the offset amount of 60px)

Another try without an AP content area:

This was an attempt to get fill out the space without using an AP div, but both
Firefox and IE seem to suffer from the same height: 100% issue.

Any suggestions or pointers on where to look for my IE woes?


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