On 27 Jan 2006, at 7:36 am, Adam Kuehn wrote:
>> from what i understand, one newbie to another, is that you can
>> *either* float or display, but both don't happen at the same time
>> (unless you consult with IE).  if you float, it means that "display"
>> is effectively ignored by standards-comliant browsers.
> Well, almost.  When an element is floated, its "display" value is
> automatically set to "block".  That's almost the same thing, but  
> not quite.

Not quite, in the case of a <li>. The default display property for  
the li is {display:list-item}, which is a block level element with a  
special twist: it automatically adds a list-marker in front of the  
block. When floating the li, it remains 'display:list-item', and  
keeps the list-marker [*]. You'd have to set the <li> explicitly to  
'display:block'. See test file linked below [1].

[*] iCab 3.0, IE Mac, Webkit (Safari, Omniweb), Gecko (Firefox).
Imho, Opera is wrong by omitting the list-marker in the first test case.

> Again, not quite.  In modern browsers that follow the CSS2.1 spec,
> the float gets the width of the content (sometimes referred to as
> "shrink-wrapping") up to 100% of the available space, at which point
> the content will wrap.  The exception is IE5/Mac which slavishly
> follows the 2.0 spec and will default to 100% width.  If you need to
> support IE5/Mac, you will need to supply a declared width.  (Em-based
> widths often work well for this purpose.)  The height is defined as
> the height of the content, subject to the wrapping rule I mentioned.

You can trick IE Mac in 'shrinkwrapping' the floated li:

* html>body li {width:1px; white-space:nowrap;}

[1] <http://dev.l-c-n.com/_temp/li-float.php>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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