On 1/28/06, Bob Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to fix the menu which is a List-O-Rama CSS menu
> (Dreamweaver extention) and I may try a sucker fish instead but in IE6 the
> height difference is really spread out as compared to Firefox, Opera, and
> Netscape.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it? This is a good list, and I think the
only thing left to do is to zero out the margins on the UL. Even if
you can't get it looking identical cross browser, keep in mind that
you really don't have to, as long as it looks good on different

Also I really don't see how suckerfish, or any other sort of
dropdowns, would be practical here. Dropdowns are usually a good way
to get your users lost and the level of navigation on most sections
isn't deep at all. I think having a section on each page with
subnavigation is fine. You also have a lot of space on the new layout
to play around with different options.

> I also have a strange event happening in the first top box on the right,
> there is an image linked that is above the organization about, sometimes it
> shows up, and sometimes it doesn't and I'm not sure why.

I don't see any image linked.

> Any suggestions would be helpful; the original layout is from HTML Utopia
> designing without tables.

The site looks fine, much better than the original. I would suggest
adding some padding to the boxes on the right, so that the text
doesn't sit against the borders. Also, definitely optomize your CSS:


border-top:1px solid #666;
border-right:1px solid #666;
border-bottom:1px solid #666;
border-left:1px solid #666;


border:1px solid #666;




padding: 0 10px;
margin: 0 160px;

(excuse me if you already knew about these changes).

One other things, using:


seems silly, when you could just do:

background-color: #F5F5F5; /* the equivalent color */

Also, there is obviously a lot to do with sppots.org in terms of
usability, but the issues there are not CSS related, and you probably
know about them already. If you want feedback on sppots.org I can let
you know offlist.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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