I'm working on this demo http://ici1.umn.edu/beta/nceo/ If you click on 
either "Participation Policy Variables" or "Response" and view the page 
in IE it's a total mess. (Mozilla and Firefox are lovely)

I used John and Holly's tool tips 
http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=4E2C0 and I didn't 
see any mention of this being a problem. I used to do a lot of css, but 
since then I've gotten out of it so I'm not up on all of the latest IE 
bugs. :)

I tried taking the position:relative off the a when in tables, but that 
made the tooltips show up in the upper left hand corner of the content area.

Also, if you go to 
http://ici1.umn.edu/beta/nceo/accommodations/state.asp?state=Alabama and 
hover over the links you'll notice that the text of the link below shows 

Could someone help me figure this out?


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