Martin Heiden wrote:

> If you have too many rules, you can add page level external css-files.

Personally, I cannot see the purpose in having page-level external files 
in addition to shared group-wide or site-wide files, except for one 
thing: media types. If you link to external style sheets you can 
reliably use media types.

If media type is not an issue in the situation, I would put the 
page-specific rules into the head of the document. This is quite 
appropriate within the intent of CSS, in my opinion, and makes finding 
the relevant CSS much easier.

You should only use external CSS when the rules are for sharing with 
other pages, IMHO. Otherwise you are adding inconvenience without 
gaining any corresponding benefit, and it means an extra server hit for 
each page viewed - completely contrary to all the normal advantages of 
using external files.

Keeping the rules within the document allows you to use sensible global 
naming conventions within each page like...


...and provide unique layout values without needing to apply unique IDs 
to the BODY tag or similar strategies, which can be a real pain in the 
butt to administer across large sites.

Another reason to be careful about over-centralising CSS is testing: we 
had a situation on a very large corporate JSP-based site where the whole 
site was being made-over to a new look across several months. Chunks 
went through unit and functional testing and were then staged for final 
production use. Before we realised the risks, we had a couple of 
situations where later changes to the shared CSS caused layout of pages 
that had already been through testing to break.

This was extremely serious, because testing was about 40% of the work on 
each page, and retesting everything would have added weeks or months to 
the project.

We had to split CSS up so that each chunk that went through testing 
would not be affected by later changes to the CSS, but within these 
chunks you could still have problems. CSS seems to be almost unique in 
introducing risks on this scale on large workflows.




PS - I second the sentiment of others that if you have thousands of 
lines of CSS in any single file, something has gone wrong almost by 

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