Hello all,

This is my first posting, and it should be known that I'm pleased to join 
the discussion(s). That said, here's why I joined the list in the first 

I'm an English teacher at an ESL program affiliated with the University of 
Hawaii and one of my adjunct jobs is looking after our website. I'm 
currently trying to revamp the site, which means getting rid of all those 
tables and switching over to XHTML and CSS. Things have been going pretty 
well but I'm snagged on the navigation. I followed the "Scalable Navigation" 
example in chapter two of Dan Cederholm's and everything looked great in 
Safari... until I checked the site in Explore, Firefox, and Opera, all of 
which screwed up the nav tabs. Opera displays only two of the tabs (inline), 
while Explorer and Firefox stack all the tabs one on top of the other 
against the left side. I've been trying to troubleshoot this all day but my 
brain is shot and I just can't "see" what the problem might be.

Here's a test page to look at:


(if you click on "home", the page will not be found because if I upload 
"index.html" it'll hijack our current "home" page, and right now I'm still 
just testing)

The URL for my (messy) stylesheet is:


If anyone else has run into this problem I'd really appreciate your insights 
as to how you got around it.

Thanks in advance,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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