Sander van Surksum wrote:
> I'm using the FAUX method but the background is only repeating if the
>  content gets longer. If the rightnav or leftnav gets longer as the 
> content then the background isn't repeating anymore.

> ...


> Is it posible to get this working with floats ?

Yes, it is just a question about making the container 'expand to contain
floats'. Then the background will repeat all the way down to the footer,
regardless of which column is longest.

You have several options, but I will only give you two...


#container2 {
display: table;
zoom: 1;

...will work by creating a 'new block formatting context'[1] in all
standard-compliant browsers, and introduce 'Layout'[2] in Internet
Explorer. The 'zoom' property is not valid CSS though, and is only used
by Microsoft.

Another working addition is:

#container2 {
float: left;
width: 775px;

I recommend this last solution for your page/case. It will achieve
exactly the same as the other one, be perfectly valid, and work well
across browser-land.
A float will always create a 'new block formatting context'[1] and force
'Layout'[2]. Thus it will expand as long as no height is set on it.
The width is there to make sure the float doesn't shrink or expand in
width, as floats tend to do that by default - shrink or expand depending
on which standard-revision they follow.


PS: please trim your posts - delete everything from previous posts that
aren't needed for your new posts to make sense. Cut hard!

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