On 2/14/06, Mikhail Bozgounov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What puzzles me since I first tested the new IE 7.0 beta 2 release, is the
> following:
> Why in specific cases (like this one http://bluelink.net/zero-waste/) the 
> hover
> state of the links doesn't change, although specified in the CSS?
> (css: http://bluelink.net/zero-waste/css/master.css)

There are known issues w/ :hover in IE7 beta 2 in imported style
sheets vs. linked or embedded stylesheets.  See
http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7 and

> FF 1.5+ applies them. Opera 8.5 applies them. IE 6.0 applies them...
> IE 7.0 beta 2 DOES NOT apply them!

Remeber...IE 7 Beta 2 is just that...a beta.  It should NOT be used as
a benchmark for testing your sites.  It should be used for the sole
purpose of identifying bugs w/ the browser and reporting them to the
IE development team

If you use IE 7 beta as a target browser, you're making more work for
yourself when the final version is released.

Bryce Fields

"Do or do not! There is no try!" -- Yoda

DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed herein are mine, except for the
ones I stole or were given to me by my wife.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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