Well, David,

It wasn't *my idea*, the graphics designer and the project leader just /asked/ 
if it is possible to apply letter-spacing to forms.

I made my best to make it work, but with no success (in IE).

So, they revised their ideas, and we'll drop the letter-spacing. We'll apply it 
only maybe to some elements in the page (a few headings, for example).

Thanks for the reply!

So, letter-spacing is really impossible (and not well considered) at present - 
that's all that I wanted to know:)

Have a great day, Michel :)

~davidLaakso wrote:
> They may be sorry. Letter-spacing content text, and setting justified 
> text, does not do well. Nice in publishing and print(when done by a 
> fine typographer), but deadly on the Web .Check your page at 800, 1024, 
> and 1280 with zoom for rivers running down the fabric of the content 
> block(s).

> Probably bothers the list mom, too.
> And I wonder why anyone would consider "letter-spacing when in FORM..." 
> in any browser.

> Best,
> ~davidLaakso
> ps The is a personal opinion, off course.

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