On Feb 28, 2006, at 9:03 PM, Don - HtmlFixIt.com wrote:

> Dominique wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am building a website for a friend's company and I need some  
>> expert  eyes to look at my implementation of the box model hack (I  
>> used  technique 3 of http://css-discuss.incutio.com/? 
>> page=BoxModelHack). I  check on my XP laptop running IE6 and that  
>> did not seem to do anything.
>> As a test I only implemented it for the content div, not for sidebar.
>> Live test website at: http://dreamweaver.pulpkittens.info
> Hi Dominique,
> I expanded text size in ff and ie6 and our divs outrun the bottom  
> of your page.  You need to work some clears in.

The footer does a "clear: both;". I think the reason text overflows  
the footer is the fact that I set a width and height because of the  
background for #content. Is there a way to set a minimum height? That  
would be the ideal solution.
I was also thinking that if I had a big enough image that would  
reveal more of itself when text size increases, that would be fine  
too. As long I as I could specify height to display at least a given  
amount (I want the embedded name to display).

Any suggestions for that would be appreciated.

As an update, after rebooting my XP laptop, the hack seems to have  
taken effect, except for the fact that the calculations seem to be 1  
pixel off for IE6. Don't really understand this.
Total width is supposed to be 821 pixels with 555 for #content and  
266 for #sidebar. For #content I end up with 409 pixels (exact math).  
For IE6 however I need to go down to 408 px to get the sidebar to  
float correctly.
Is this a known issue?


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