Hi Els,

Thank you for your very complete explanation. Aside from the syntax errors,
and the fact that I should have stated that I hadn't attempted to make any
adjustments for IE yet, perhaps it would be clearer if (as you suggest), I
explain my intent.

Actually, the page as it is displayed (which isn't the entire page, just a
partial) looks just the way I want it to (in Firefox), except for the fact
that the content in the right-hand column is being pushed down.

So perhaps you can help me understand how to achieve that effect in a proper

Also --

On 3/1/06, Els <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The combination of your styles,
> makes the right column sit vertically below the left column, and
> horizontally 580px to the right of the middle.

I understand what you're saying about the horizontal position, but  -- the
right column isn't really sitting vertically below the left column (at least
not in Firefox). Only its content is. The top of the div is precisely where
I'd like it to be, as indicated by the tiled brown background. But the
content within is being pushed downward as content is added to the left
column. That's the part that mystifies me.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Tom McNeer
530 Means St NW, Suite 110
Atlanta, GA 30318
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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