
WV Mike wrote:
> At 10:11 AM 3/3/2006 , Rahul Gonsalves wrote:
>> Please do validate your pages before posting them on CSS-D. It will 
>> not only most likely fix the problem, but is also a good practice to 
>> do so.
> Validation does not always help me. Will you?
Gladly. However, I would strongly suggest that you validate your pages 
prior to posting them. It often picks up the small typos that all of us 
make - like your leaving out the semi-colon at the end of the last line 
of every style rule; or the fact that you were using an unrecognised 

This post explains the joys of validation in much greater detail [1] *.

The HTML code was mostly correct, apart from the lack of a recognised 
doctype, and a bunch of small issues - the use of an ID twice, etc, etc.

I would like to help you out as much as my skill will allow me to; 
however, I am restricted by my experience. I do see that adding a height 
to the #info does cause the border to display, but messes the rest of it 
up. A hasLayout bug? I wouldn't even know where to begin there.

Going back to the original issue of validation, I would like to stress 
that validating ensures that there are no obvious errors on the page. I 
would not like to waste this lists time, and I would presume that no one 
else would either. So; in future, do validate - by doing so you show 
that you are willing to put time into your page and you give the 
list-members a reason to do so as well.
> -Mike

[1] http://diveintomark.org/archives/2003/05/05/why_we_wont_help_you

* In the post, Mark mentions that a guru-designer tells a newbie to 
validate. I would not presume any such competence; I am a complete 
newbie here.

PS: I am about to go on a 120-km cycling trip tomorrow! Coincidence? 
;-). The rides sound wonderful though!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rahul Gonsalves
Make PNG, not War.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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