
I'm looking for a bit of input on css form layout:


General suggestions or improvements are welcome. ;)

Not sure I want to, but can I set the width of the nested fieldsets
to adjust based on the length of the text labels?

Problems I'm seeing:

- The long label in the radio group doesn't wrap very nicely in
FireFox.  The entire label is moved to the next line, leaving the
radio button widget the only element on that line.

Although uncommon to have such a long label, is there a better way to
go to make it wrap nicely?

Oddly, in Opera, the long label wraps ok on the checkbox but not on
the radio buttons.  IE wraps both nicely.

Also, if you turn off stylesheets in FireFox then the long labels
wrap nicely.

- On IE 6.0 the last "yes/no" frameset is not aligned with the other
inset fieldsets.  I'm not seeing why that's happening.

- Safari 2.0.3 on Tiger is formatted ok, but I cannot click on any of
the <label> tags.  Is that just a problem with Safari?

- IE 5.2 on the Mac doesn't work at all.  I have no idea if any of the
users of this form will use that client.  I suspect any Mac users
these days use Safari or FireFox.

- Opera 6.01 Win has rendering problems, but that's a really old

- On my iBook I don't see the background color on the first two
fields -- in any of Safari, IE, or Firefox.  That's weird.

Hum. The form even looks better in lyxn than in w3m.


Bill Moseley

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