Webmaster wrote:

> I dearly apologise. I just realised the person who is in charge of the 
> hosting itself and DNS registration has set it up very oddly. I am not 
> sure why the frame thing is like that and will speak with them 
> tomorrow about it. The link that their DNS is linking towards is 
> actually at http://exillon.tribal-treble.com/test/

It's o.k. - Think they use the frame as an alias-Url, but a refresh to 
the real page can do that too (I heard that with some serverside code 
you can mask the new url - a sub of the tribal-treble.com host). Be 
happy it's not a Yahoo frame or something with terrible javascript you 
cannot influence!

> [...]
> Also, would anyone be able to suggest how to best stretch a div, or 
> any element,  the entire width of a page and be elastic? I noticed 
> that if I shrink my window enough to show a horizontal scroll due to 
> my temp stretched/melted background images size, the header and the 
> footer both cut short of it. Is there a way to make this elastic as well?
>> This is rather difficult to say because of the lacking of a working 
>> testpage.
> Should now be updated to show correctly. Sorry once again.

Yes, I can see the page! No time left today to analyze what is going on; 
so if I have some idea later on, I'll come back.
Aha, I see one anyway:
    #footer { position: relative; z-index:2; }
solves the problem that the footer is covered by the bgwrap-image in 
case there is not enough height for both (still some other issues 

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