Hi again,

Can anyone please help me solve the problem I'm seeing in Firefox - 
it's got to be something to do with padding, margin, or border. I've 
was up all last night trying to solve the @!*&! thing, but just don't 
seem to be able to find the root of the problem.

Screenshot from Firefox on Mac: 

The most recent thing I've done to the menu is to make the #menu h2 
tags into links as well, which they weren't before and these lines 
didn't appear - but I need them to be links. I just can't see what the 
problem is.

If you look at the menu closely in Firefox as you move your mouse along 
the ul ul li (the dropdown links), the left border of the main <h2> tag 
seems to go invisible. The whole menu seems to quiver as you move along 
horizontally, engaging the dropdown action, and those red vertical 
lines appear!

Heeeelllpppp... it's driving me potty,

Thanks, Tracy

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