On 4/6/06, Joanie Mae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on a website with a simple navigation in two columns in the
> right upper side of the heading. The index page is a combo of fixed and
> fluid and the inside pages fluid.
> Everything works fine in Firefox and Netscape, however, in IE when the
> window is made smaller the left column of the navigation moves down and to
> the right of the right column, then back up and then back down as you move.
> If you stop moving in before it goes back up... then it sits there down
> below. Shame on IE!
> It may need to be seen to be understood what I am trying to explain.
> www.oakgrovedesigns.com/index.php
> www.oakgrovedesigns.com/process.php

this is probably a pretty bad solution, but just in case nobody else
has one, it might be better than nothing.  be warned i didn't look
in-depth into your site, so i could be completely off track to begin

put your navigation in its own div.  float that div right.  take the
floating right off of the two <ul>s.  floating right never seems to
work for me when there's more than one thing doing it.  float those
<ul>s left instead.  they're in that right-floating div, so they
should still be on the right hand side.  floating them left, in my own
brain at least, should fix the left nav dropping to the right of the
right nav.  make the width of the div the width of the two <ul>s
combined, then give each <ul> a width of 49% or so.

hopefully someone else has a better solution.  good luck!
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