Hi all,

I've been having problems getting the center column in my 3 col
layouts to deal with over-sized content, ie an image with a width of

I'm about to give up, and when i do... it's time to come here :)

I've tried about a dozen well known layouts, and then about 6 'lessor'
ones from the wiki, and they all break in some way when this
over-sized content is present.

So..does anyone know of a layout that meets these requirements;

1. 3 cols
2. fluid center
3. fixed/em side cols, doesnt really matter
4. layout holds when center col is pushed wider by content ( wide
image/non-breaking text)

[this is not ALL my requirements, but its a start]

I dont really want to go down the 'detect the width of the center col
with js and make the wrapper div that wide' line of attack.


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