On 06/05/09 16:18 (GMT-0400) Nick Grossman apparently typed:

> That did the trick: http://stage.pps.org/info/newsletter/

Now that that's fixed, geriatric IE users could stand a bit of
accessibility consideration. Here's a look:

My Firefox default is here set to the same 19px/14pt default that IE
provides by my setting it to "Larger", which I require for comfortable
reading. FF is also set to enforce that setting via minimum font size,
so that's what you see in the upper portion of the screenshot. Right now
in IE, which you see below FF, besides a broken layout with #main pushed
under, your page has body text the equivalent of "Smallest" when IE is
set to "Largest" via your #main P .95em times body 80%, for 76% net. So,
even though your text is "resizable", it isn't resizable enough for
those who don't know about accessibility mode and need text a bit bigger
than the browser default. It's in serious need of that body rule being
changed from 80% to 100%, and that #main P .95em rule being dropped.
Then it could stand #main widened so that line-lengths aren't only 5-6
words or less, and #nav widened, so its content can actually fit in the
alloted space.
"All have sinned & fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/
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