url: www.springfieldmogov.org/elections/parks/projects.html
css: www.springfieldmogov.org/css/elections_parks1.css

Using a modified liquid 2-col layout from Floatutorial I've added some
of my own stuff which you can see at the bottom of the CSS file.

Problem:   I'd like <div id="details"> to clear the "Thank You"
graphic which is floated left, residing in it's own <div
id="heading">.  But if I put a 'clear:left' on the 'details' div it
then clears the <div id="leftnav"> which holds the long parks image on
the far left of the page.

I've played around with putting various iterations of 'position:
absolute or relative' on various elements, but haven't come up with
anything that will allow the 'details' div to end up just below the
'thank you' graphic but NOT way down the page.

Is what I'm wanting to do realistic?  The page doesn't seem that
complex, really.  Didn't expect it to be this difficult.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Chris Akins
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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