jack fredricks wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've done a bit of a google - with no luck..so I thought I'd mozie on
> over here...
> I can't seem to get this rule to work on IE6 or FF;
> @import url("fineprint.css") print;
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#at-import
> The file and the file location are fine (a standard LINK element
> works). It's just the @import version that breaks.
> Is this just bad UA support? Is there a known work around? or am I just mad?
> thanks
> jz

    Had the same issue recently, IE and surprisingly FF don't seem to 
support that structure unfortunately, To select media specific css i 
used the <link> element and just a normal @import rule for the main css, 
ah well  :(
    You could always try

    @media print { @import url("print.css"); }

    but i've not tested it.

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