On 5/17/06, Design Groups <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Christian Montoya wrote:
> >
> > a:active { color:whatever; }
> >
> Yes, but that only works when you click the button (or mouse down).
> When you "unclick" and move away, the color doesn't remain behind, it
> reverts to the "visited" color.  What I'm looking for is the "active"
> state to stay, until another link is clicked.
> ~Shelly
> _______________________

I usually use a class (.active{background-color:pink; color:red;} for example)
and then if I am on page X then give this link the .active class. We
use a middle-ware for this (ColdFusion, usually), but I am sure JS can
be used. Or hard code the pages for this.


Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
Media Logic
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