> From: Daniel Kessler
> I am trying to make all the links in my content section to be 
> a particular color.  Since I noticed that all the content is 
> in <p> tags, I tried to set the links for p tags to that color. I did:
> p a{
>       color: #1863B5;
>       text-decoration:none;
> }
> That seems to work with anything in the second paragraph but 
> not the first paragraph in this page:
> The links aren't in the most inner <p>, but they are in a <p>

Daniel, the problem is that you're nesting <p> tags, which is not allowed:


Load your page in Firefox and use either the DOM Inspector, View Source
Chart, or FireBug extensions, and you will see how the browser has
interpreted your HTML. The <a> elements in question are not inside a <p>
element at all.

Also try validating your page here:



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