Thank you for responding, Ingo!

I apologize for not offering an URL to a testcase, our test site is
not accessible from the outside and I didn't take the time to sign up
for one of those free webpage sites... :-)

I seriously thought about rethinking the positionning inside the LIs,
but I'm unfortunately time-strapped and I really wanted to see if all
this was possible... Not to mention, the graphic designer who designed
this part would killed me.... hehehe

The z-index option was also considered, but it didn't fix the initial
problem, which also extented to a drag-and-drop AJAX effect. If I
found an elegant solution to this one, I could've probably applied it
to the next!

So in the end, it seems that I will have to content myself with
positionning the tooltip differently. I was really stumped on this
one, but it looks like IE got the better of me... :-(

Oh! And thank you for pointing out the Div in the link... The funny
thing is that I seem to remember using a span, but I guess in my
desperation, I changed it to a div to see if it'd work any better...

Once again, thank you for responding!
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