Charles Blaquière wrote:

> I'm creating a 2-column layout with a floated left column. The
> right column may wind up containing both left and right
> floats, so I'll need to use clear:both on some of its elements
> at some point.
> Unfortunately, the cleared element gets pushed below the
> bottom of the *left* column, even though it is not a child of
> that column.
> Is there something I can do to prevent the left column from
> affecting children of the right column?

Yes. You can float the right column too. Clearing within floated 
elements doesn't effect/isn't effected by floats outside of it.

The problem you'll run into though, is floating a flexible width 
div element. I found a way to do that, with nested divs. I have a 
content div, flexible width, (width:100% for IE5, width:auto for 
IE6), a floated div inside of it (width:100% needed for IE6), and 
then another nested div inside, to be able to set paddings (with 
a border-top and background-color explicitly set to get rid of 
IE5 bugs).

You could also work around this problem though, by not using 
clear property at all in the right hand column, and use minimum 
heights instead. Like in your case, wrap the image in a div, put 
any text that needs to go to the left of the image in the div 
too, and set a min-height on the div, the same height as the 


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