
It wasn't an IE issue as much as what I stated earlier about how to keep the 
page in realation to the view port.  The 62.5% font size in body style is 
relative to the width of the wrapper.  Changing it would probably break the 
design when the text size is increased in browsers.

I'm going to look into the jello layout and see if that can accomodate my 


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:17 PM -07:00
To: Mark Fellowes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [css-d] Elastic and liquid layout

Mark Fellowes wrote:
> David,
> You mean with the comments ?
> Mark
> > Yet to set the max-width but it seems that while it's now a 
> liquid-elastic hybrid (?), I didn't realize it would lose the ability 
> to fill up the view port , the advantage of a liquid design. It does 
> look fine in 800x600px, but my viewport is set to 1360x1024 and it's a 
> bit narrow. So am I'm doing something wrong ? I thought elastic 
> provides in keeping the pro's of liquid and eliminates the con's.
> >
> > http://pamshop.com/Template1/exp3.html
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >
> I think if you do this, she'll open like a butterfly.
> body {
> /*font-size: 62.5%;*/
> }
> Regards,
> ~davidLaakso
At his point, I am not sure of anything, much less what I mean, unless 
it is that you may want to do this:
html {font-size: 100%;}<<<<add this to the top of your style sheet so 
that IE will not go goofy on zoom.
body {
    /*font-size: 62.5%;*/ <<<<<delete this from your styles on the body 
declaration so that the layout will open like a butterfly
      font-size: 1em; <<<<< add this to the body declaration in keeping 
with not having IE go goofy on zoom.


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