> Rob,
> No, IE7 now respects height. So, all those Holly Hacks with height: 1% 
> will need to be hidden from it or altered. However, I'm not sure if IE7 
> supports min-height (can't remember!).
> Zoe
What a nightmare! According to the wiki IE7beta2 does not support 
min/max rules yet:


I hate hate hate IE expressions but it looks like they might be the only 
choice until IE7 final is out. Thats assuming they get round to 
supporting those rules... It just seems funny to me how they essentially 
had the min-height rule working (albeit in the wrong way) and they've 
fixed it instead of just re-naming it.

Is it worth coding in accordance with the current beta release or is 
waiting it out a better option... or to put it another way is IE7 
currently used for anything other than testing?

    Thanks for getting back to me Zoe,
       Rob O
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