bj wrote:
>> Entered by  Microsoft  on  4/21/2006
>> This was logged as a suggestion for future IE versions. We've already
>> added support for min-height and it is in the March 20 Beta 2 Preview
>> build that we put out during MIX06.
> Did anyone else notice that NOTHING is said about min-width, max-width or 
> max-height?
> *grumble growl*
    I think thats only because it was the height issue i was panicking 
about, I read the wikis IE7 page again more carefully and all the 
min/max stuff is in the new beta. Its alll good.
    Although there are some problems that Ingo pointed out, it adds 
hasLayout but I'm not too worried about that. That is until there's a 
reason to use min/max on inline elements (i think thats what the issue 
might be... please correct me if i'm wrong anyone).

    The reason I asked the question in the first place is because i've 
been using the following rules to set min-height for modern browsers and 
/'height'/ in IE6:

        #container {height: 250px;} /* min-height for IE6 and below */
        html>body #container {height: auto; min-height: 250px;} /* min-height 
for everything else */

    The latter should then be picked up by FF, Opera, Safari etc... and 
also IE7 but ignored by IE6. There may some problems I have overlooked 
in using this method but as far as I know it should work.

    Rob O
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