On 6/7/2006 5:11 PM, Kieron McIntyre wrote:
> Brett wrote:
>> I'm looking to center two horizontal boxes (simple enough task). It 
>> looks fine in Mozilla, while IE 7 staggers the two boxes so 
>> one is lower 
>> than the other.
> Hi Brett,
> Try adding the following rule:
> #container UL LI {
>   display:inline;
> }
> This should solve the issue I think.

This works as well. Floating both the <a>'s and the <li>'s might be 
redundant. But I also put the margin-left on the second <li> and 
centered the <ul>. Now that the <a> no longer has a margin-left defined, 
it seems that the float has to be on the <li> (otherwise, the two boxes 

If you'll allow me to extend this example: what is the best way to give 
the heading (h1) a top margin, but to keep the container div flowing to 
the top of the viewport? It seems that if I do a margin- or padding-top 
for h1, the whole container scoots away from the top. If I give the 
container padding-top, then a scroll bar appears for the page. Any 
ideas? The current page now has padding-top applied to the container.



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