
First post so please ignore any no, no's.

I have been asked by a client to produce a system where a series of  
animated png's can appear over a map in various locations. The client  
has access to and admin area where he can add a new location with x +  
y pixel co-oridnates.

My intention was to try using a background image for the map and  
various z-index layers for each dot, with some maths to work out the  
dot positions via the clients x & y values? The site doesn't really  
exist yet so I can't give you a url, but it will be a fixed width,  
centered, pretty standard header, 2 col.

Is there a better way to tackle it?

Any pointers much appreciated.

Steve Craig - Asylum Interactive Ltd
Tel +44 1330 860550 Fax +44 1330 860880
Skype: s.craig - iChat: steve.craig

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