> Sorry for yet another question. I really want to nail this.
> I have given up trying to make my container work with absolutely
> positioned items and used relative positioning.
> Now my container has a nice white background and contains everything
> nicely.
> Except it obviously thinks something is larger than it is... for
> it doesn't stop at the bottom of the items, so the white container
> goes on too far down the page...
> And some of my items are in a different place on different pages.
> Despite being the same size and in fact the same items.
> Only 2 hours to the end of the day and I really wanted to get this
> fixed today. I am so confused and going mad! 
> Sorry for all the questions but can anyone see where I'm wrong?
> http://www.wdam.co.uk/clients/dynam/hh/
> Sorry, and thanks...
Your problem is with position:relative... browsers still 'render' the 
items as if they have no position, then the css 'moves' them into place...


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