I have a general question on tables. I am noticing many, many web sites out 
there are still using tables...particularly web sites, such as Monster.com that 
have multiple blocks of content. I have eliminated tables from all my web sites 
and use float for blocks of text, but my websites are fairly simple. In looking 
for freelance web design positions, I have noticed that the more complex 
websites that the clients reference (as to the type of site they are looking 
for) use tables.

So, are tables totally taboo for complex, block-style sites? If so, why? They 
certainly would be a lot easier than trying to use float for multiple blocks of 
content....I have problems getting the floats to work the same between 

I am also noticing that lots of designers appear to design a page of graphics 
in Photoshop, then slice it up and use html area coordinates to arrange all the 
pieces in a table acording to area tags.This definitely allows for more 
creative web site design....does anyone have any opinions on this method?

If I do use tables to prepare mulitple-block type sites, I wouldn't want to do 
the whole site as table, just the various blocks. Could someone let me know the 
best way to do these types of sites?

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