Phil Pickering wrote:
> Hi Rahul,
> The quote inside the <blockquote> element on the home page needs to be
> contained inside a <p> element to validate, i.e.
> <blockquote><p>your_quote</p></blockquote>

Ah, thanks. I've been using Dreamweavers validation, and using the Tidy 
Firefox extension, but neither of them caught that. Will fix this.

> You've also used the <strong> element quite a lot in the footer. I'm
> guessing this is a styling decision rather than a semantic one, in
> which case you should really be using CSS to style the text you wish
> to be in bold and not relying on an XHTML element which is supposed to
> give meaning to your text.

That's true. I'll replace it with a class.

> Apart from that... looks really, really good :)

Thank you very much!

> Phil

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