> From: Mark Wheeler
> I have a little problem I can't seem to figure out. Below is 
> a sample code of some floated divs. It all is as I would like 
> it, except the div that contains "MORE TEXT GOESE HERE...". I 
> want that to clear the previously floated divs that contain 
> dates and prices, not the red bordered div. This way, the div 
> containing "MORE TEXT GOES HERE..."  
> will end up  underneath the previous four floated divs. I put 
> that section in a div by itself, thinking that clearing the 
> final float would only clear within the containing div, but 
> it's not doing that.  
> It seems to work fine in IE/Win, but not in Firefox or 
> Safari. Any help would be appreciated. Here's the sample code.
> ...

Before anybody says "You'll get more replies if you post a URL," I did that
for you:


When I load the page in IE, the "MORE TEXT GOES HERE" is below the red box,
just like in Firefox.

I ran into what looks like the same problem this morning. On the right side
of this page is a calendar widget and event list:


The event list contains two events, and in Firefox the second event is way
down by the bottom of the page. This is caused by the ".ZventsEventSeparator
{ clear: both; }" rule in zvents.calendar.css - if I take that out the event
list displays as expected. It's also OK if I change it to clear:right. It
looks fine in IE with or without the clear.

I added that clear to deal with floated images in this version of the event


Without the clear, the images don't line up. clear:right works here as well,
but I did the clear:both because people using this widget might float the
images left instead of right.

I guess I am fairly confused about floats and clears, and especially how I
can use them in an embeddable widget without interfering with (or being
affected by) other layout on the page.

Is there a reference that anyone can recommend that would help explain this
kind of problem?

Many thanks,


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