
I have been working through lots of CSS issues, and I think I'm starting 
to grasp most of the concepts, however, some things are still confusing me.

(relevant HTML and CSS below)

I am trying to reliably layout all of my pages with a banner across the 
top and then three block level containers, side by side, for my left 
nav, main content well, and right nav.  I'm using DIVs for each section 
and then using CSS to attempt to lay them out the way that I want them.  
This is a layout page that I am plugging content into.

However, I am unable to restrict the width of the main content well (the 
DIV with id "main").

If there is a table inside of it that is wider than the 63% of the body 
tag that I've given it, the entire main DIV stretches to accomodate it 
and overlaps the "right_status" DIV.

How do I force the content well DIV to be restricted in width so that 
regardless of what is inside of it, it won't dynamically expand it's 
width?  I want to enforce the width of the content well DIV on all of 
it's child elements in the DOM.


P. S.  (ANOTHER ISSUE: I'm not sure if the layout I'm doing here is the 
best way to get my banner box with 3 smaller width, next to each other 
boxes underneath it.  I'm floating each of those boxes so that I can 
retain their block element nature - however, this feels like cheating 
since I don't really need to float anything.  I'm only floating the divs 
because when I tried to use "display: inline;" to put the DIVs next to 
each other, I ran into a lot of problems.  Is there a better way to lay 
this out in general?).

Here is the HTML skeleton.

        <DIV id="banner">
            banner contents

        <DIV id="left_side">   
            left_side contents
        <DIV id="main">
            main contents

        <DIV id="right_side">
            right_side contents

Here is the relevant CSS:

body {
  position: relative;

#left_side {
    float: left;
    width: 13%;

#main {
    float: left;
    width: 63%;

#right_side {
    float: right;
    width: 20%;
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