
On Sep 10, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Andy Mosmiller wrote:

> In any case, here are your relevant files:
> Bugs I have seen:
> All:
> Using margin: auto; to align elements within posts or on the sidebar
> always fails.  I have tried applying position: relative; to the parent
> block with no results.  Fortunately, margin: auto; *does* work to align
> the page itself.

Did you fix this already?  The content looks centered to me...

> Mac:

Looks fine in ff 1.5, safari 1.3, Opera 9 and iCab.  ie/mac has 
problems.  My initial guess there is that you have floats without 
widths which expand to 100% in ie/mac instead of 'shrink-wrapping' like 
they do in more modern browsers.  If you want more info on css for 
ie/mac, visit Phillipe's site at <>

> I forgot one Firefox bug.  The header text in the calendar that 
> displays
> the month enlarges weirdly.  I tried to fix this several times with no
> results.

I can confirm this, but I think it is related to the script that goes 
through and finds headings to replace.  If you disable javascript, the 
caption is the size you would expect.

Roger Roelofs
"Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction,
        God allows U-turns!"
          ~Allison Gappa Bottke
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