Hi list,

I'm building a new layout around some CMS I use. Now, the ayout i  
finished, I want to fix it's appearance in IE first before going  
further and spice up some more things..
IMO the best way todo this is with the allknown conditional CSS tags  
Microsoft browsers offer for fixing the display inside their browsers.

The only problem I have is that there is some serious IE bug, which I  
do not know the name of. I hoped you guys can help me out.
Compare http://istyledthis.nl/ in IE and FireFox to see what I am  
talking about.

It looks like he background image which has been applied to the  
#wrapper is reloaded for the sidebars #left and #right. And the  
backgrounds for the #center column doesn't stretches down too, even  
when the content inside it isn't long enough to accomodate this..

I hope I'm at the right address for this..

Thank you in advance for any advise, idea's or thought on this one..

Yours sincerely,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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