Rahul Gonsalves wrote:
> Dear All,
> http://mockups.rahulgonsalves.com/mitra/mockup.html
> My first non-fixed width layout, so I'd like comments on whether this 
> is, if not the best, then at least a good method of constructing a page.
I did not see any replies to your post, Rahul.
> One of the problems that I'm facing is that the submit button does not 
> shift its position on hover. I'm not quite sure this happens, as I used 
> the method on this page, which seems to work in both IE and FF.
> http://www.tyssendesign.com.au/articles/css/single-image-replacement-rollovers-with-suckerfish-dropdowns/
Well, I can't help with that (I guess one needs to know what a "submit 
button" is? :-) ).
> Any help with the input problem, and general feedback on whether I'm 
> doing things right would be useful. Non-css suggestions welcome as 
> always, but offlist please.
Float drop in xp ie/6.0 at text-size "larger" and "largest."
> Warmly,
> - Rahul.

PS Nice color and typography.


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