Hello all,

I was looking at some background positioning code that i never really
thought about until recently...
I was making a background image on a div with 'top left' declaration
and was saying to myself... 'Okay for some reason CSS guys choose to
do Y positioning 1st in the declaration and then X'.. Am i correct in
thinking 'top center bottom' is related to Y positioning and 'left
center right' is X positioning ?....

Then I was changing the code to center image vertically with
percentage values and realized the declaration for non-keyword values
looks like 'X% Y%' or 'Xpx Ypx'.  So X positioning comes first and Y
next when not using keywords?

Why the heck did the css spec writers do this?
So its like a 'center left' declaration is same as '0% 50%' but isnt
it counterintuitive for the spec to be written this way?

Maybe there is a simple answer and I'm just being retarted since its
late and im not thinking right.
Guess i never really noticed this is how it is set up before because
if my image wasnt showing up correctly id say to myself, 'Oh of course
X positioning comes 1st'... but then id use positioning keywords some
other time , and say to myself 'i would have thought X comes 1st, but
i guess not' hehe.

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