> Method3: Uses a Fixed Layout to achieve a compromise... 'Non-Sliding' Faux
> Columns with Rounded Corners
> A. Advantage: Transparent Corners so background can be a gradient
> B. Advantage: Doesn't add that extra padding to the right side, so in my
> case i can use that extra space to make my bottom borders on the sidebar
> navigation extend all the way to the right.
> C. Disadvantage: Is a fixed width so does not scale to user selected
> font-size
> Example: http://arihoj.freehostia.com/rsfc/rsfc_fixed.html
> Method1: Uses padding to place background images
> A. Advantage: Uses padding to push the images in a way that they can
> bleed-though (transparent, so can have gradient background behind them),
> B. Advantage: Is sliding so faux columns adapt to user adaptable width (for
> example by making browser font-size bigger)
> C. Disadvantage:  but may not want that extra padding space on the sides of
> the content areas
> Example: http://arihoj.freehostia.com/rsfc/rsfc.html
> <http://arihoj.freehostia.com/rsfc/rsfc.html>
> Method2: Negative margins used to place background images
> A. Advantage: No padding on the sides like previous example, notice how the
> bottom borders on #sidebar extend all the way to the right
> B. Advantage: Is sliding so faux columns adapt to user adaptable width (for
> example by making browser font-size bigger)
> C. Disadvantage: The corner images cannot be transparent/[no gradient
> background can be used]) as you can see they need to be replaced with images
> with corners whose transparent area is replaced with the background color on
> the page behind it.
> Example: http://arihoj.freehostia.com/rsfc/rsfc_negMargins.html

Hey franky,
Dont worry about sending the website, I can and have already viewed it
many times at home and have the files saved on my desktop. I am
already very familiar with that negative margins method used for
corners (that exact website you sent is the way I actually do rounded
corners on normal sites)...
Doing clean-looking rounded corners with faux columns is pretty tricky
as I am sure you can see now.

I was just curious when I posted this thread if there was a way to do
it without the extra padding on sides in Method1.
Although I probably will still use Method 1 or 2, as that padding in
Method1 isnt totally annoying if you set px margins instead of em
margins for the middle content area's gutter and dont use borders like
i use on the right sidebar (plus having the rounded corners smaller
than 21px should make this padding less noticable);
For some reason if need to get rid of that padding for a cleaner look
(for example so the bottom borders on the sidebar look like
http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flash9as3preview/), I can use
Method2 as long as I dont set a gradient background.

The fixed width method 'Method3' I posted is another compromise but it
doesnt 'slide' to %widths like the other 2 methods.
This is my main issue now, as I am just curious why its messing up as
the code changed very little from Method2; and in that method the
floats cleared properly and worked in IE.

I might try it for a few days and see if I can get that fixed Method#3
working in IE. If not, I guess ill can always repost a new thread
about a float clearing problem to the list since I think i've explored
the Sliding Faux Column thing all I can and it seems like cant get
past those small disadvantages for the other Methods.

if I mention the word 'method' one more time in this post, i think i
am going to blow a fuse lol, Good night,
Arian Hojat
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