On 27/09/2006 14:28, Eystein Alnaes wrote:
> Would it be correct to a) wrap the definition list in an anchor, b) set the
> anchor directly within the <dl> element, but around the <dt> and <dd> or c)
> stick to div's? I was thinking of a list as well, but strictly speaking it
> isn't really a list.
That'd be invalid IIRC, but you could wrap each thing in an A, like so:

        <dt><a href=""><img..></a></dt>
        <dd><a href="">Some stuff</a></dd>

dl a {
        display: block;

Which would force it to expand to the full allowable width, and to 
whatever the height of the content was, thus appearing to be entirely 

Not sure a DL is the appropriate mark-up for this, but since this isn't 
an HTML semantics list I'll leave it be. :)
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