
On Sep 28, 2006, at 10:18 AM, Matt Dawson wrote:

> Here's a very basic question. I've set up a very basic example html 
> file
> attached to this email.
Attachments are stripped before the email is sent on to list members.  
If you could post page page and send us the url, we could see what you 

> if I delete the red border on the content column, the column unsnaps
> from the top of the body.  Why is that?
My best guess is 'Collapsing margins'.  When 2 margins 'touch' they are 
allowed to overlap.  This includes the margins of elements that are 
inside each other.  For example if you have something like this

<div id="header">
   <h1>Header 1</h1>

The margin for the h1 can stick out the top of #header.  which will 
look like extra white space above #header.  Adding padding or borders 
to #header will keep the h1 margin from touching any other margin 
outside of #header and this will force the #header to grow to contain 
the h1 margin.

Clear as mud, right?  Here's a good article.

Roger Roelofs

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