Ok, I've searched through the archives, found a solution in P.I.E.
relating to this bug in IE 6.x.

However, it doesn't work in my case.

I have 2 divs, left-right. The left one is a navigation box, the
right one, contains an image. The page needs to fit nicely on a
1024px wide browser and allow horizontal scroll on a 800px wide
Both divs are position: absolute because when I make the second box
position: relative, it wraps under the left box on browser windows
set at 800x600px.

I'm using the styleswitcher.js from ALA to change the color scheme
through an alternate stylesheet. The background color though, doesn't
want to paint the browser window unless scrolling or resizing the
browser window!
The suggested workaround from p.i.e. suggests to use
position:relative with IE 6.x. 

Tried it in my setup and on a test page where I've made both divs
position: relative, and the background-color issue persists!

Any other ideas or solutions to this bug?


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