Hi everyone!

This is not a specificaly css related topic, but has a lot to do with
it. I'm using DirectX filters to render the png alpha layers on IE. I'm
used it in several elements but when it comes to the column that
contains the search and links sections something weird happens.

I can't select, click or hover any of the links nor write in the text
box or push the search button. It's like there was a layer or coat
preventing me from touching anything inside the element. I've run some
tests and (as long as any of you says I'm wrong) is the filter who's
causing all this mess. Whenever I remove it the element and its clidren
behave normaly. 

Can you please help me? Thank you very much

Here's the code


> .columnaD {
>         float: left;
>         margin: 0 0 0 20px;
>         padding:0;
>         width:250px;
>         height: 1430px;
>         background: url('./Imagenes/columna_links.png') no-repeat;
>         text-align: left;
> }
> * html .columnaD{
>         margin-left: -25px ;
>         background-image: url(blank.gif);
>         filter: 
> progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="./Imagenes/columna_links.png",
>  sizingMethod="scale");
> }


<div class="columnaD">
                <li>List of links...</li>
                <li>List of links...</li>
                <li>List of links...</li>

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