Something strange is happening in IE6 (as usual). I am creating a  
page, using Safari/Mac as my default browser - then every time I  
upload a change I check it on PC in IE6/Win. Everything was laid out  
in the correct position on both browsers - the page can be seen at:

Under the heading are two columns, followed by a footer. At this  
point the right column is complete, and I am still adding the left  
column content. To help in troubleshooting, I originally placed a  
border around the entire page and around the two columns. I removed  
both borders to see how things looked - and in IE6/Win the left  
column moved under the right column. Turned out that the border  
around the two columns is creating the problem. If I remove it (first  
line in #colunmwrapper, below) or, if I put in a column style of  
"none", the problem occurs.

#columnwrapper {
        border:0.1em solid white;
        border-bottom:5px solid #c90;

Since my client was going to be viewing the page this weekend, I put  
in an invisible border, reflected in the CSS rule above. Note that  
the border-bottom (line 2) is part of the design.

Question - why would removing the border declaration cause the entire  
left column to move? It was my understanding that a border is not  
part of the actual container, only an outline. FYI, the initial CSS  
rule for the left column is:

#leftcolumn {

Any help in understanding why this is happening would be appreciated.  
Thanks, LindaQ
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