Alan Chandler wrote:

>> But ...?
>> Why has #header h1 a margin, doesn't it inherit the #wrap
>> declaration of 0.
> OK margins don't get inherited - but why doesn't it default to 0

That h1 has margin-defaults in all browsers, and will display that
unless you have declared your own margin on it. Defaults are not
necessarily the same across browser-land, so I usually declare my own
properties: values on the elements I use in a page.
(I never use the universal '* {margin: 0;}' BTW.)

Another problem with 'collapsing margins' is that it is hard to see
which margin comes from where, so there may even be other margins at
play that I didn't see.
The term 'collapsing' means vertical margins are supposed to collapse
onto each others when not prevented, so they can create quite a bit of
"standardized fun" to sort out in some layouts. Add a number of
browser-differences and bugs, and it may become even funnier :-)

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