>>I put the <head> files in the appropriate sections of
the header.php. But when I put the javascript for the menu itself, it
was partially unstyled... the javascript behavior worked, but not the
style information.<<

That's because you don't have the right path to the stylesheet.

Your theme files are located in YOUR URL/wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/. 
However, Wordpress configured itself to run your site based upon the 
settings you place within the Options panel.  So if you have "YOUR 
URL/blog" in your Options panel, then that's what is going to show up as 
the main page of your site.  Any relative links will be appended to that 
URL.  You have this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="chrometheme/chromestyle5.css" />

Which means it's looking for the styleshhet in "YOUR 

Guess what?  It's not there, because it's located in the path to your 
theme folder.  Which is in YOUR URL/wpcontent/themes/chrometheme/ - your 
path is incorrect.

In your header.php file, you need to change it so it says:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/chrometheme/chromestyle5.css" />

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