Thank you for responding to my question. I have since figured it out and
that might be why some of you said it was working. Good to hear. I had to
use a .htaccess file on the root level of my site to tell the server what an
.htc file was and getting the paths right was key. That took me a bit to
figure out. Thanks!


Old message:
>> Okay. I have refrained from posting and tried everything I know of and have
>> read about on previous posts to make this work, but nothing is working. I am
>> using the latest which is Version 1.42.060206 to make the drop
>> down menus work in IE. As I began to populate pages of the site (some of
>> which live in sub folders for organization purposes) I noticed that the drop
>> down menus do not work in IE on pages that are located in sub folders and
>> not on the root level of the site. I have tried absolute paths, relative
>> paths . . Basically whatever I have gotten my hands on, I have tried it. The
>> real kicker is that this is not a problem in IE/7, but it is a problem in
>> IE/6 which I still have to accommodate for.
>> Here is my css where the file is located.
>> body {
>> background-image: url(../images/background3.gif);
>> margin-top: 11px;
>> background-repeat: repeat-x;
>> background-color: #0067B1;/*ku blue*/
>> margin-left: 0px;
>> behavior: url(;
>> }
>> Here is the url of an shtml page that is stored several folders deep on the
>> site and the drop downs do not work in IE/6.

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