Hi list,

Trying to do something new today, playing with css, and change a
background position of a image on hover.

I've added the following code:

#menu div a{
#menu #home a{
        background:#f4a707 url('../images/menu/home_01.gif')0 0 no-repeat;
#menu #projetos a{
        background:#f4a707 url('../images/menu/projetos_02.gif')0 0 no-repeat;
#menu #eventos a{
        background:#f4a707 url('../images/menu/eventos_03.gif')0 0 no-repeat;
#menu #noticias a{
        background:#f4a707 url('../images/menu/noticias_04.gif')0 0 no-repeat;
#menu div a:hover{
        background-position:0 -32px;

but this don't work, the background-position don't change, but if I
change the menu div a rule to:

#menu div a:hover{
        border:5px solid red;
        background-position:0 -32px;

the border appear around the element, but again it don't change the
background position, and if I do this:

#menu #home a:hover{
        background-position:0 -32px;

it works as it should, Is there any reason for this ? I wanted to save
some kb using a generic :hover ( the menu contains 10 items ), the
xhtml for it is simple:

<div id="menu">
        <div id="header"><img src="images/menu/header.gif" width="180"
height="28" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="home"><a href="index.html"></a></div>
        <div id="projetos"><a href="/projetos"></a></div>
        <div id="eventos"><a href="/cadastro"></a></div>
        <div id="noticias"><a href="/noticias"></a></div>

I really want to know the cause of the the generic rule don't working
on changing the background-position, but accepting the border rule (
and possible others ).

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