At 11/15/2006 04:33 PM, Robert Tilley wrote:
>I wish to produce a page with Header, Left, Center, Right, and Footer divs.
>There are templates aplenty that display these properties.
>My addition would be a Description div within the Center column.  A 
>hover menu
>would be in the Left div, with each item being a different topic.  When a
>menu item is chosen, the description of that item would appear within the
>Description div in the Center div.
>One plan is to create an XHTML-Frameset document and divide the screen into
>frames which contain each component; Header, Left, Center, etc.  This choice
>could, at best, be described as a crude solution.
>Without reloading the entire document with each menu selection, is there any
>way CSS can help me?

When you say, "When a menu item is chosen," I'll assume you mean 
click (mouse) or enter (keyboard).  While CSS can help show blocks 
when elements are hovered over, I believe click-activation will, in 
addition to CSS, require scripting, either client-side (JavaScript) 
or server-side (PHP, ASP, etc.).

For the hover approach, see Eric Meyer's little demo here:
Hover over the left-hand menu items and see the corresponding text 
blocks appear.

For the CSS+scripting approach there are many examples, of which I'll 
humbly offer an old one of mine:
The page functions properly in the absence of javascript, but with 
javascript it operates immediately without the server trips.  It 
works like a tab control: all the content is contained in a single 
page, but only one section is displayed at a time.

The technique, described briefly in the About section, is to control 
the display of pagelets with the body class: first suppress the 
display of all pagelets, then permit the display of the one that 
matches the current body class.  The body class can be set either by 
the server-side script that delivers the page or the client-side 
script that senses the menu click.


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